Friday, April 11, 2014

Actual Life.

After waiting 45 minutes:

"I feel like an idiot waiting outside.  I'm assuming something happened.  I'm going to go home."
"I suck. I fell asleep with my kid. Sooooo sorry."
"It's okay."
"I feel really bad!!!"
"I was more worried something happened to you. I'll see you when you get back."
"You are sweet."
"(: Make it up to me, haha."

S is so busy.  Like always doing something busy.  I often wonder how he does it all.  I wonder what he gives up to be able to make everything in his life work and how he makes time to see me.  Then again, he doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do, a luxury he can afford.  Anyway, I haven't seen him in 3 weeks.  Which is hard because I'm more or less used to seeing him about once a week.  I was suppose to see him Monday, but as you can tell from the conversation above, it totally didn't happen.  At first I didn't know if I should be mad or worried because he doesn't just not answer his phone.  Feeling mad, upset, and worried, I texted him a final time and took the drive back home.  Driving home, the music was blasted but I couldn't help but be upset.  A couple tears slipped my eyes.  I crawled into bed and I tried to take my mind off of it, but nothing was a big enough distraction.  I slammed my computer shut and I tried to sleep.  I heard my phone go off, a short while later.  He texted me and I was flooded with relief that he was indeed okay.  I guess that was how I was feeling.

In any other scenario, I would've just been so mad.  I don't get bailed on, especially with no reason.  He's got me conditioned.  It would make me sick to admit, if I didn't love it so much.  His steady consistency has shown me that he's not going anywhere and that he means what he says, which is so refreshing.

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