Saturday, February 22, 2014

Pain Scale.

After very long play with S and T, S and I were laying in his bed and I was staring at the toys strewn about on his bed. As S is watching me, I pick up the paddle he has.

"What are you doing?"
"I don't like this."

I say as I lightly toss the paddle back onto his bed.  He laughs at my response.  T walks in and asks what he's laughing at and he does verbatim what I did.  She puts her wine down and climbs into bed with us.  She starts spanking me.

She picks up the paddle, and lightly wacks it across my behind.  I don't even flinch because it's nothing compared to how hard S can bring it across me.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 not hurting to 10 the worst ever, what was that?"
"Hmm, 4."

She continues to bring the paddle on me, and I proceed to tell her what the pain level is.  S takes the paddle from her and spanks me hard with it and I scream out 9.

He turns to her and says...
"If you're going to spank her with that, I just want you to know how it feels.  This is nothing compared to how hard I just hit her."

She takes the paddle back and says she's going to try and get me to say 10.  S laughs and voices that I won't.

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