My pride gets in the way of seeing him. There are two things he wants me to do if I see him. The first is hard, the second is to beg. You'd think after being his sub and all, it would be easy to beg for something like that. I told him it makes me feel like an idiot. But if anyone can make me do something I don't want to do without forcing me to, it's him. So I beg, get desperate, and he soaks it up and makes time for me. From how crazy I get over not seeing him, you'd think I'd learn my lesson.
It'll be 2 years at the end of this summer. That's a really long time for me. Our relationship is non-monogamous. The other day I started wondering if he had another submissive under his wing. It's not against anything we've talked about, I just never really thought about it or bothered to ask him about it. But I did today. And his response was some of the girls he sees are submissive but not his submissive. And the age old question, "Why?" I said I was just wondering, but I was a little surprised because I honestly thought he would have someone else.