It's been a long time, a really long time. He's was away, halfway across the country away and halfway across the world away, and I've been at home trying to keep peace with my life. He's back but he's busy, which I found out yesterday. I asked him if he was free sometime this week and he told me he wouldn't be at home for about a week and a half. And I pouted a little. I don't think I can even call it bratting. As soon as I responded, I felt silly and stupid, which I told him. He tells me to always speak freely. So I told him, I hate being/feeling needy. I honestly do, and in every other normally circumstance I would've just bit my tongue and waited out the couple days for it to pass. His response "you feel it, it's there, might as well share." I almost wish he would've just said "suck it up next time." but I think that's my jadedness talking.
But back to the real story, I'm feeling needy. I feel like things aren't going right. I know things aren't bad, they're actually fine. It's my feelings that are taking flight and it's making me feel real uneasy.