Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Come Clean

He knocks on the bathroom door and says, "Babe, we're going to be late for the surprise."

I open the door with my make up done.

"Crap, what time is it?" I reply.


I knew I should have cut my bath short.  Well, I'm almost done, so we'll just make it in time.  If I don't, M is just going to have to forgive me.

As I come out of the bathroom and walk into the bedroom.  He kisses me and gives me the look and I know what he's thinking.

I stop him and start to put on my dress and I say, "Don't even think about it. We'll make it just in time if we leave now.  So help me zip my dress." He pouts but zips up my dress and I say thank you.  We walk out the door and get into a cab and we get to the club within 10 minutes.

I told M's boyfriend, D, to bring her around 10 and that we have the VIP section for the night. God, I hope she's surprised because I know she'll love it.

I get a text from D 15 minutes later saying. "We're here." So I get let everyone know she's coming. 2 minutes later, we all yell "SURPRISE" and I know she's is and I am so happy everything worked out.

As always, M and I start the night off with a tequila shot and order our poison of choice, vodka Red Bull.  We grab our drinks and start dancing.

5 shots and 4 vodka Red Bulls later,  M and I end up outside for some fresh air.  Neither of us smoke regularly anymore but we both want cigarettes, so we walk around the corner to get a pack.

As I'm halfway through my second cigarette, he walks out with D and sees us smoking.

I lean in to kiss him and he stops me.  I frown at him and continue smoking.  After I finish, M and I head back inside and get a couple more drinks and continue dancing.

The next thing I know, I'm waking up to the sound of him peeing.  I reach for my phone on the nightstand to check the time and it's 11am, which is much earlier than I thought it was.  I realize that I have cotton mouth and I walk to the kitchen to get some water.  When I get back, he's laying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

I lay down next to him and put my head on his chest and he says "You're smoking again?"

I knew this was going to come up.  I was hoping to avoid it but he's not the type to avoid anything. I sigh and I respond with, "Not really..."

"Not really? Then what were you doing outside with M last night? And where did these come from?" he says as he hands me the pack of cigarettes I bought last night.

I bite my lip and try to think of what to say.  I just need to come clean and say it.  How mad can he be?
"I was smoking with her last night and I got them from the store around the corner from the club." I respond and I also say "I also have something else to say but please don't be disappointed or mad." really fast.

"I can't tell you I won't be, but say it."  His tone tells me that he is disappointed.

"Okay. Well here's the thing, when I drink a whole lot, like last night, I like to smoke. And when I'm really really stressed, like super stressed, I might smoke a couple too.  But it's not often, I swear." I say as my voice turns into a whisper.

I hear him sigh, but he doesn't say anything.  It's making me nervous.  It's always bad when he's quiet.  10 minutes pass and I hear him clear his voice.

"You asked me to help you stop 6 months ago.  And from what I understood, you did. Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't know how to tell you.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I turn to look at him but he's not looking at me.

I walk to the bathroom to pee, washing my face, and brush my teeth.  And I start to get nervous.  I have never kept anything from him..

After I finish, I walk back into the bedroom and he's not there.  All of a sudden I hear him calling me.
"Babe, can you come here?"  Crap, he sounds calm.

"Yeah." I walk to the living room and he's sitting on the couch.

"I want you to get me the bath brush."

My eyes open really wide.  I knew he would be upset, but the bath brush? He's not playing around. "I said I was sorry. Please not the bath brush."

"You have 'til the count of 10 to get it and be over my lap."

I growl, unintentionally and the second that I do I pray to God that he didn't hear it.  I don't say anything and I sprint to get the bath brush.  I run back and I put myself over his lap.

"Did you growl at me?" he asks as he pulls my boxers and panties down and I cringe. Damn, he heard.

"Yeah, but I didn't mean to. It came out before I knew it was coming."

Before I finish, he starts with the bath brush.  A couple minutes pass, and my bottom is on fire.  I know I shouldn't, but I reach back anyway to try and protect my bottom.

"Move that hand, young lady." He says in a stern voice.  Tears start forming in my eyes and I turn to look at him and I say with a trembling voice, "I don't think I'll be able to stop from reaching, can you hold my hand?"

He doesn't say anything, but he takes my hand in his and goes back to spanking me.

I don't know how long has passed, but I have gone from kicking and sobbing to laying still and sniffling.

He stops and says, "I want you to go in the corner and stand there.  Don't rub."

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I hope the bathbrush helps you to stop smoking. Nice post!

